Be Cool Climate change Disaster 5.0 Celsius in 2100 Accelerating Impacts APH Climate Policies. Australia Submission Green Energy Superpower. Community Grids 2030 AEMO LPG Xmas 2023 BAU. Mulloon. Poles and Wires. Commonwealth Transition disaster Hawaii Katrina Joe Biden Chill The Day after Tomorrow. Net Zero.
Image: Fyshwick Canberra ACT Australia Aug 2023
To "chill" visit the Hydrogen Refueling Station at Fyshwick on your EScooter.
There is a great story about one of Australia’s great Prime Minister’s of the 20th Century… Mr Bob Hawke AC GCL. They say that Bob just "had it"….the Light…the “Energy”. After his election win on the 5th March 1983 the long standing drought broke. They credited Hawkie with ending the drought. That was the energy and brilliance of the man. Hard to beat! A lot has changed and the "Greed is Good" generation took over a while back. And it comes with a hearty “Cheers” to go with it….. and a She'll be right Mate! "I've got mine!" And now we've moved on to the ‘Selfie’ Revolution. Unfortunately, no amount of 'Metrics' or Selfie shots will save us from the catastrophic effects of Climate Change without effective policies and the motivation to create an economic transition. Australia is set for 5© Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100... with the current (BAU)” Business as Usual” with current World tracking. (July 2023).
Day 3 at the Adelaide Adaptation Conference on the 27th July 2023 was how to ‘Cool’ the planet by adaption and adaptation. I emphasised cool as a it ought to be the name that goes with the adverb….’Cool’. The simple fact is that the slower we do everything now the better it is for climate change. I still believe ‘Smart Technology and Smart Taxes’ will help Australia. Good luck to the rest I say…because if India wants a $1 Trillion USD to transition…unlikely at this point. Certainly, the more disasters and disruption we have moving forward at 5 Minutes past Midnight, and the slower economic output, the better it will be for the thermodynamics to slowly bring the climate back into balance. That 5© Celsius is only Australia by the way. At the equator, at “BAU” – “Business as Usual” we may be getter temperatures at 7-8© Celsius above the Pre-industrial (1750) benchmark in 2100. Worst Case Scenarios! Still at BAU speed 2023,
I personally give a rating of 2/10 for energy transition for the World. At the conference, they were going "Oh My God! It's terrifying!" And now, of course, it is the linkages between the economy and the climate transitions in the sectors that are No.1.
The gestalt of Climate Change and the ‘Relative Subjectivity’ of Climate Change coincide. The concept of “relative subjectivity” in terms of weather experience is a term that I have coined. It is based on the subjective experience based on the location and physical experience and effect of where one is located. It is the experience one has of current weather impacts. It relates directly to the individual’s perspective which they have in the environment in the moment.It is the subjective physical experience of the environment as you move through time. This can be while walking, riding a bike, and driving in a car, or even flying in a plane. My own experience in 2019 of the dead bush of the East Coast of Australia first stunned me when I was flying from Canberra returning to the Gold Coast. It was brown. It was dead. It looked like tinderbox for the 1000K along the whole journey.
It was so dry that even the Hinterland was just shrivelling away to kindling with undergrowth ready to combust. That “Mega-Drought” seemed to go forever. When the Spring of 2019 commenced in Australia fire erupted all the way down the East Coast. There was no where to hide from the extreme. As mentioned previously there really are “No rules”. Australia remains a vulnerable country simply by location. If the science indicates we are at least 10 years behind where we ought to be in managing world climate then we will experience more extreme variations from slow human intervention. It’s a “horror movie in front of your TV” and at our back door. That "horror movie" reference, by the way, is a reference to a Skyhooks song from the ‘70s.
El Nino, the ENSO, the La Nina, and the Indian Ocean Dipole are all climate drivers. These are only the human identifiers of the thermal, ocean, and atmospheric dynamics in play. Recently, by observation and rational consideration it dawned in my mind that the continent and land mass of Australia actually, is by definition, also a Climate Driver. The “pond” is full..and I’d say very full. Most would agree the La Nina impacts have been unprecedented. At Xmas 2022, there was now an over abundance in the “pond” with the aquifer filling up. The simple weight of water delivered by La Niña impacts has I’m sure sunk the land mass. Driving to the Gold Coast and even around the capital of Canberra new potholes were emerging all over. My “guesstimate” is that the amount of rain and water may have sunk the overall land mass on the East Coast by 5 Cms and more in some places. The Basin and Aquifer are filling up. Near Canberra, Lake George filled completely for the first time in 20 years. If you consider the land mass of Australia as a baking wide brown land, or completely flooded and saturated pond, it also only rational to explore the idea of the Continent itself being a form of thermal Climate Driver. Micro-Climate’s and micro weather across the land mass certainly do occur. Thunderstorms are based on the uplift and movement of weather up to the Stratosphere.
Elsewhere in 2022, the Pakistan floods during the year were catastrophic. The Instagram images were extraordinary. In December 2022 the Great Lakes in the US experienced ‘Lake Snow’ which is related to Polar Vortex weather in the US Winter. Human and economic activity in China was greatly reduced by COVID19 measures and this also may even be considered a “driver”. Lake Snow is unusual but “cool”.
Moving forward for the next 8 years to 2030, it is very important, and I emphasise this for posterity, for all Australians to know the sheer power of the Equitorial Equijet. The thermodynamics are incredible. Though, in a High Pressure cell with warm weather, we may experience benign “nice” weather, the equator is the primary driver. This was confirmed by my contact at NOAA in Colorado US in 2020. It is the power of the Equijet which feeds the Hadley Cells and Farley and up to the higher latitudes of the Vortex weather at the Poles. The ‘Equijet’, with the Hadley, are the major drivers of weather up to the 30’s Latitudes north and south of the Equator. (New Orleans is @30 North).
Wattage on the surface of the Earth is also a major consideration as this changes moment to moment and obviously drops at night. The El Niño “switch” may be occurring in December 2022 though the wattage average is just that… an average. The general “accepted” average is up at 0.8 Watt per meter globally. Yet rationally daily cloud cover and “micro-climate switching” (ie. 10 Mins Cloud-5 Minutes Sun) will instantly variegate wattage on the ground in situ with micro-climates. In other words, the weather varies constantly and the heat hitting the ground and the absorption of the heat on the Earth's surface varies constanty. Logically, if the confirmed world average Wattage per Metre as an estimate is 0.8 W per Metre closer to the equator those Wattage peaks are much higher. It is the "relative subjectivity" of our daily experience that blinds us to change! And we are all busy....
Some of Climate Science is simply the study and understanding of thermal drivers and heat carriers and gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and the effect of ambient local heat. Simple logic will make it obvious to any rational person there are gaseous emissions which are real time and local. More complex of course, is the “transport” to the upper atmosphere which is less able to be measured and has lots of variables. Following on if you consider “direct” emissions, plane travel "pumps" emissions more directly into the atmosphere. Plane travel is only about 3 GigaTonnes of emissions, though perhaps impacts likes 4.5 Giga Tonnes, due to the direct injection nature of pollutants into the Stratosphere and upper Troposphere. The focus now until 2050 still remains "real" reductions of pollutants (CO2e) emissions. At 2022, only a few companies are experimenting with Hydrogen plane conversions. Hydrogen is not even there! People…get right on it! It may be for the young Scientists to solve the complexity of Hydrogen Planes.I've been "signed off" off a while back. The only big Hydrogen truck in Australia is currently in experimental phase. It’s the Diesel crew, that are “Pardon Le Francais” messing it all up! "Hydrogen is a bit cagey at the moment". We only really have Andrew Forrest to the rescue. Cheers. The World...Hey...we all know Nothing's perfect! KPIs are something though!
A Gestalt and experience of any environment is a direct and visible experience though anyone visiting this site and in situ needs to be aware that real and serious Science underpins our World. More physical terraforming work will be needed to improve Carbon Drawdown. Not all answers will be found behind a computer. Physical work and engineering will be required to work on more “Drawdown” capacity. At the Adelaide conference they basically said Money and Engineering was the key! encourages those of you looking for a new hobby, new job, or even a new life to observe your environment in new ways. Nothing is perfect and Oil will be available in 2050 and beyond. Many people do enjoy their petrol and racing their Mustangs. Internal Combustion vehicles will always be enjoyed. Even I’ve seen a Monster Truck show and enjoy Maserati’s.
A young person (or even mature person) may wish to crusade on the environment. Pick an animal, bird, or bug 🐞 that is your cause and champion that beast. I once knew someone on the Gold Coast in Australia who championed and bred Green Tree frogs and had ‘Brownie’ the giant stick insect as a friend of the family. I myself like to catch Funnel Webs and release them back to the paddock. Choose your Favourite animal or specie. Is there a ‘Ladybird 🐞’ club that breeds Ladybird beatles? Here in the capital of Australia there is a Butterfly 🦋 lady. Be the World Butterfly ‘Coordinator’. Every year plant a native tree for you and each of your siblings. 🌲 🪴 In September 2022 I saw my first Dragonfly for a very long time… at least 20 years from recollection. Unfortunate ‘bout those Crazy Yellow Ants taking over in QLD.
A ‘Middle Path’ in the environment space is Bees 🐝 and insects. In the Amazon is there a ‘Save the Toucan’ fund or group? Is there a ‘Love Salt’ group to salt the Oceans. At this point Sea Shepherd 🏴☠️ have been a little slow in getting someone into the Australian Parliament House (APH). In the meantime, Recycle Cork. Have a family ‘Chill Day’ to Net Zero. Chill.
During 2022 I lodged a Submission to the committee on ‘Australia as a Green Energy Superpower’. Check the attached link and see the other submissions also. This is a significant event in a move forward for the Commonwealth government and the “new way” forward. To Net Zero and beyond! Spend a day. Laugh at SkyTV!
It is also obvious and significant to any individual reading here that a personal computer, per se, or playing a computer game or watching TV will NOT by itself completely solve Climate Change. “Chilling’ at home will have some impact though also better if you use less power. This is your choice. One of my credos is:
“Caution: Slow Down, Chill out…its Climate Change!’
Reports and legislation will make some difference but it is all our action in our environment on a daily basis “moving forward” to 2030 and 2050 that will lead to real progress and to real emissions reductions. Net Zero requires a lot of work at this point… and work on real emissions and their reduction is also required. And this is part of a major shift in an energy transition. Only motivation and committed action will improve the quality of your local environment and the world itself.
If you are a parent or a teacher looking at this section I recommend the Mulloon Institute listed previously. Extrapolating similar methods can build up native plants and trees up into the hills by simple terraforming systems. Piping the water from the pond to the top of the hill is the main financial “dollar” consideration in Landcare projects like this. If fog and moisture prevail, hills mapped out and planted can be set up for better Carbon drawdown. I still real value for money is in Climate Landcare programs near highways so we can hang in the town and have a beer at the end of the day.
The Gestalt of SMA Eden3 using solid engineering and desalinated water could help build a major water pumping and terraforming project. The foggy hills of Goulburn and the surrounds of Wingecarribee are certainly suitable and include some swamps and wetlands. These areas with suitable moisture and altitude can help build Eucalypt forests if there is the motivation. Good Ol’Goulburn. Lots of great creeks out there near Crookwell. Mulloon projects work as well.
(Search: LULUCF). The previous reductions of 20% prior to 2022 mainly relate to the LULUCF formula. A slow energy transition has now commenced.
Machinery of government moved the LULUCF details in July 2022. Here is a MOG link:
The Great Barrier Reef remains vulnerable and ought to be considered as endangered. To deny this is to be on the defensive. At date, the Commonwealth has been given a further 12 months not to list the Reef as “in danger”and is pending till 2024.The listing of the Reef ought to be beyond any political influences and is a “positive” negative to highlight how far we have to go. As a vulnerable country, Australia ought to shift towards a more neutral position and consider “best practice” management of the Environment. State Government plans to build a Dog Proof Fence up the middle of Australia seems a waste considering the floods of recent years. Investment in Apache Helicopters and the Commonwealth investing in eradication of Feral Pests seems more rational. Currently there is no repeal of the NSW Brumby Protection Act of 2018 passed by the LNP NSW government. Spring Carnival is on soon. I’m off to Randwick.
The new Commonwealth Labor government elected on the 21st May 2022 is “motivated” to limit Climate Change impacts with the passing of the Climate Change Bill on the 9th September 2022. ‘Action’ is the keyword moving forward towards 2030. The management of energy in the LNG, Coal, and Oil sector is the “big” deal at present. Oil and Gas had the most productive year in 2022-23 Fiscal year. Thank God we “capped” it off for the Consumers.
Future Transitions encourages any households who have the income and means to get off the Grid as soon as possible. Oh My Gee!!! There’s an energy war on. Better believe It! O Gottlieb! And there probably always will be! Better believe it...
Good News! Thank Goodness for Andrew (Twiggy) Forest. “Party On!” The Battery Storage sector for Solar is now set at “GO”! A company called LAVO has a small domestic Hydrogen battery(@apx. $35K) which will store for about 48 Hours. And of course, TESLA and LG and other European Storage types are available. Virtual Power Plant (VPP) technology is being advertised and is the “Next Level” for Small Scale Generators (Domestic).
There are a range of factors that will impact if power bills go down by 2030. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has yet to standardise rates of Feed-in with the State Governments for Virtual Power Plants. This may be necessary in the next 5-10 Years with the assistance of ARENA. Returns on Feed-In Rates are higher on VPP though export values are based mostly on time-of-day (Now) export to the Grid. The likelihood of home generators making good returns on being Power Generators are currently limited. The likelihood is a better return may come fin the future with Community Grid generators adding Battery Storage to the mix and being paid a return by retailers who buy at wholesale. Households will need to join or help develop Community Grids to gain the dividends. The first round of 58 Community Grids was announced on the 4th April 2023 by the current Labor Government. Some Community Grids are only of limited size (500 Homes). At this point PPAs- Power Purchase Agreements for long-term supply (10 Years) are only generally offered if there is a minimum of 500 KwH-or 1MW available for sale. An average household can use between 8-18 KwHs per day. So, to be in a position to sell power it will help if Community Grids are built on scale to at least 500 homes being able to on-sell power at any given time. This means quite substantial battery addition to the Solar PV on roofs for storage of power and the willingness of larger energy retailers to purchase. A combination of 500 Lavo © Hydrogen batteries and 500 Tesla batteries will cost $20M+ outright to store energy for 48 hours and allow continuous flow to the Grid for DER delivery. Investment like this can build a Two-Way Grid with Government assistance. (Note: MTCs are yet to be offered by the Commonwealth.) At date, further implementation and cooperation is required. Genius does live! Saul Griffith. A great Communicator. Check this link. © Copyright Quarterly Essay 2023 All rights reserved.
Every household in Australia whether a House in the ‘Burbs, a little duplex, a unit in a high-rise, or a farm is a micro-climate. This is an Important point to consider when approaching Net Zero. Plastic Grass reflects and radiates heat more than organic grass. Paving surfaces reflect heat and build little hot zones on the driveway. Planting shady tees to line your driveway is an instant Carbon Drawdown and create “Cool” zones. A nice pond is a great little micro-climate in the backyard. If there are opportunities to build small native and bee parks in the local environment, in the suburbs, and even acreage, projects are encouraged. A lot of people know that black cars radiate more heat back into the environment. Future Transitions promotes the idea of larger scale projects on highways and Urban areas to build better “green” patches.
The Act for commencement of the Commonwealth Environmental Protection Agency was only passed late in 2022. Events like the destruction of the Juukan Caves in WA on the 24th May 2020 may still happen without simple top-down management by State governments. The rationale, use, and even the existence of the State Governments has sometimes been called into question. Effective environment management in Australia can only occur with full bi-partisan support doubled-down by the power of the Commonwealth.
“Caution: Slow down ⚠️ … Its Climate Change” can be your Mantra. Fully explored, in fact, it could be developed as a full lifestyle program. If parents want to allow their happy, fit children to roam free while you can still get the "quality" out of Aussie... so let it be! Roam free for Climate Change for a whole year and have fun with Home School. "Chill!" Enjoy a 'Climate Day' once per month and use no energy,have two meals, work in the Garden or do some tree planting. If you live in a high-rise join a Community Garden and “chill”. Meditating under a shady tree and also thinking about your next best action for Climate Change may be useful. Practice ‘Ujjayi’ which is the Yogic cooling breath. You may save energy on several levels. We will all need to slow down in the heat. Certainly, slowing the economy and adjusting our “pace” we can even 'Go slow for Climate Change!' Stay in Bed under the covers. Save Heating. Trip the Light Fantastique with your Partner..Love it! Peace!
So moving slower and just “hanging out” is useful. Pick up a piece of rubbish each day. Drop to part-time with a Concessional Load and go bushwalking instead!
Don’t forget to wave your Rainbow flag Be Cool like Elvis… “Chill” for Climate…! Have you heard the rumour that Rock’N’Roll actually died in 2020 when Eddie Van Halen left the building…aged 65!
The New World has commenced......that is the “word from the street” and it’s not just from myself….! Every country will still need to “paddle its own canoe” with climate impacts and it's shift towards Net Zero. Nobody knows it all in Politics or Science. Some Senators in the Australian Parliament may not even know the meaning of ‘SPQR’…. The original Roman maxim. ‘Senatus PopulusQue Romanus’….”For the Senate and the People of Rome…” It also forms part of the game 'Scissor, Paper, Rock' and .....Q4.... Quality! It is an original maxim for 'Work'.
(Click here to read the Constitution Alteration Bill calling for the previous Liberal Conservative Coalition to introduce a ‘Climate Science Memoradum’ the ‘34CSM’ into parliament.)
If you intend to keep the Ford Territory and you’ve got a bit of “spare” upgrade to LPG. It is slightly less in Carbon Emissions. I encourage all Golf Clubs to now upgrade to Battery Carts and to plug-in their own Little Solar PV and Battery Installations. The SME Commercial sector may be the next level that the Commonwealth will need to build for solar and Battery. (Small & Medium Commercial Businesses with Solar Car Parks).
Intergenerational Change has long been the way for the “lucky” Australians before the investor crowd pumped up the dream by buying 3-4 properties. Young Australians need to push for the Circular Economy to get what they want. Awesome that Allegra Spender is worth $20 Million. What will happen for all the renters caught in the middle with higher Cost-of-Living Energy rises?
There is still no mandate in all States of Australia to put Solar on the roof. So, for young people with a Ma’n’Pa who own a Coast house and the little Money “spinner” in WoyWoy, the way forward is a shift to the Circular Economy. Any family with G’Ma’ in the Nursing home still gets a 2 year exemption for the Asset and Income Age Pension Test. Most new Australians can’t figure our Age Pension. Even the Brits think it’s crazy!
Putting Solar and Battery in the empty home is an instant win. You have an instant small-scale generator for Virtual Power Plant technology Grid supply with special returns offered up to 17c p/kW hour (depending on time of day). If the Commonwealth offered an extra 1-2 years of exemptions families can become instant Energy & Power Generators. (Source: Small Scale STC’s) Google© “Virtual Power Plants Australia” Small and Medium sized businesses are still paying through the roof for Bills.
Community Grid Co-Ops are now very slowly emerging into the Energy space and this shows there may be a future business model. Young people even with Grandparents in nursing homes ought to push hard in Australia to “push” for circular policies across the States to get subsidized Power. And the baseline for this policy is investment properties, holiday rentals, and the “little unit” owners who will suffer most with the Energy wars. Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has not yet set a State rate on VPP supply by small generators. In 2023, there is still a Power and Energy war even on our own turf. Owners in Canberra renting to diplomats in Canberra for $1100 per week have Nil Net Zero motivation to invest in Solar or Battery. There is definitely a class war going on in energy in Australia. Confirmed in 2023. Greed is Good Mates!
A "deep dive" can reveal many things when we look at the Commonwealth budget. (Australian Government Expenditure) The first round of Community Grids were approved by the Commonwealth on the 4-4-2023. The dilemma to find the fiscal means and resources to build bigger and better Community Grids is an issue. The Two-Way Grid has just commenced in Australia in 2023.
AGL owns half of Poles and Wires in Canberra with the ACT Electricity. I admire Mike Cannon-Brookes. Some say we are still 10 years too slow.
LPG is not subsidized though the Commonwealth, though it could reopen the program as an interim measure to reduce consumer pump costs. It was set aside in 2013 when the Carbon Price Initiatives were first implemented. An increase in Excise on LPG would also bring more returns to the Commonwealth. Anything over 2.2 Litres with dual exhausts and 5.0 Litre Calais ought to be able to gain subsidies to make it happen. “Back yourself!” rules apply more than ever in the Energy space… and that includes all the space in-between. Let your dream be the New Land of Oz! Aussie! Community Grids based at the Universities is also a nice gesture so we can all run our own show. The Middle Path and as Labor has stated is “We must take everybody with us!” Power to the People!
Xmas! Xmas! Xmas! 🎄 🎅 2023
Churches may have to surrender their full tax-exempt status if we are to “plug it” 🔌 it all in. All there 'Entities' still retain their tax-free status. In the future a stipend seems reasonable but no one seems too perturbed. Smart taxes that target the 'GiG' economy may be also be useful. AirBnB's © may be a useful area to target with technology. Providing homes for the homeless and those on the NDIS seem a higher priority. The Vatican may use Bitcoin to "wash" its Gold through Central Banks for investors "moving forward" to the future. Technology is the way!
See below for the last Hurrah for 2023. I’m heading to Greece and Ibiza next year.
Merry Xmas in 🎄 2023 from the
Perhaps for Xmas 2027, or the year after, those first home buyers could ask Santa and G’Ma’Ma and Mum’n’Dad to invest in Climate change for the future and cash those Shares early for $75K and get a Solar/Battery package with a 60/40 split on an EV and, indeed, “Rock” the new Polestar. My God that is a beautiful machine! There is now an English-built Land Rover Type EV ready to head bush. The “numbers” in 2023 to run solid climate change programs for adaption and mitigation are tight!
In Canberra we still need to update the road signs from the Blackfire Bushfires in 2020.
Just sell the Winnebago! Give the kids a present!
“Go your own way!”
The Director
Rohan SR Byrnes
6th August 2023
Good Movie Links: XxOxx ‘ Xmas 2023
Cheers Cate’
Yoga : ‘Yoga12’ Go Slow Crew!
Top Secret link here! Wow! The Future!
The 34 CSM 26-2-2020
Read the Consitution Alteration Bill
The Tequila Album © Look for the Transmutator Mix… Wow!
Things go better with Pepsi ©
Has the best Mix on it… Chill!
Extra ‘Chill’ Time:
Excalibur ©
You and The Land are one! Available on DVD. Released in 1981.
‘Bliss’ © Australian movie: Great Reference to Climate Change. 1985
Of course….
The Day After Tomorrow©
Great reference to the The Thermohalocline Current…
after the Ice Sheet critical melt is reached..Who Knows!
The Fifth Element ©
To solve the Climate crisis…all we need is….?
Choose your favourite element and work with it and study it.
Mine is Air and Oxygen.
Easy Rider© (Thank you IMDb)
Be Cool! Real Cool!
Science and Innovation is the smart way to the future.
Enjoy your time on the Planet!