Explore: A Consitututional referendum for all Australians. Sacred Earth, Sacred Water, Sacred Air. Sovereign rights of ownership for all citizens beyond those of States, Councils, and individuals.
100. Nor abridge right to use water
The Commonwealth shall not, by any law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation.
To update the Constitution of Australia to reflect the sacred and essential value inherent In the land and water and air of Australia. Inherent in this amendment is the essential tenet of ‘Sacrae Terrae and Sacrae Fonte and Sacro Aere’ in that from this time forth that the earth and inherent environment and land of Australia and the rivers and the oceans and air of the continent of Australia are considered sacred to all its citizens.
Inherent in this update to the constitution is that the land and the waters and air of Australia and its Territories are owned by all Australians through dominium directum as sovereign rights of all citizens vested in the Commonwealth. Though States, territories, companies, and individuals may may be tenants and maintain legal ownershiprights through Dominium utile the sovereign right of ownership and management of the waters and land and air of the Commonwealth are held as superior and override other legal rights through the eminent domain of ‘Sacrae Terrae’ and ‘Sacrae Fonte’ and ‘Sacrae Aere’.
Through these tenets all lands and water and the air are held as ‘sacred’ and part of the eminent domain essential to the Commonwealth and it is held that it is the responsibility of the Commonwealth to maintain and manage the dominium directum of what is held sacred for all Australians so as to protect these lands and waters and air for Australians now and for the future. By doing so the Commonwealth also acknowledges the original ownership of Australia of its Indigenous Peoples and all landholders will act in accordance of Dominium Directum for all Australians.
Dominium Directum incorporates the inherent right of all Australian citizens to sovereign ownership. It is held as the responsibility of the Commonwealth of Australia to manage these sovereign rights over all other claims of ownership. These powers enact the Commonwealth to provide legislation that supersedes previous Commonwealth, State or local government constitutional restraints to enable the Commonwealth to protect, serve, and manage those eminent domain elements held sacred and inherent to all Australia’s citizens.
The terms are built from Latin dominium ‘ownership’, directum ‘direct’, and utile ‘useful’.
Property is defined to mean a thing and those things that are naturally attached to it. For land, that would include buildings, trees, underground resources, etc. It would not include "movable" property, such as wagons or livestock.
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Inherently in this concept is that all Australians, no matter of which State or Territory, are the spiritual owners and are held as ‘Lords’ and landholders of all of the continent of Australia.